Von wgzimmer.ch geprüftes Inserat

Vermiete ein Zimmer Vermiete ein Zimmer

Daten und Miete

Ab dem 1.6.2024

Bis 31.08.2024

Miete / Monat sFr. 1010 .–


Region Zürich (Oerlikon, Seebach, Affoltern)

Adresse Aprikosenstrasse 30

Ort 8051 Zurich

Kreis / Quartier Schwamendingen

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Das Zimmer istRoom in a shared apartment in Schwamendingen. Looking to sublet my room from beginning of June to end of August (flexible on starting and ending dates). You will be sharing the apartment with one more person. The apartment includes: 2 bedrooms, one small living room, kitchen, bathroom, balcony. Storage facility in the basement also available.

Extra costs: 25CHF for internet per month

Useful info: 5 minutes away from Schwamendingerplatz station, Coop, Denner and Migros. 20 minutes from ETH Zentrum, Hönggerberg and HB.

Please shoot me a quick text with a short description of who you are so we can set up a viewing :)

Wir suchen

We are looking preferably for a student 18-28 years old. Communication is quite important for us, as we will be leaving our apartment for three months. No other set preferences, it just depends on if we can click :) Feel free to introduce yourself with a quick text

Wir sind

Me and my roommate are both Greek students at ETH that will be gone for the summer and looking to sublet our 2 rooms in our apartment. We are Manos (23) and Dimitris (30) and are looking forward to meeting you.


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